Thursday, October 20, 2011

October 20, 2011

Greetings to all,
It is beginning to feel like Autumn. There is definitely a chill in the air. It is time to break out a jacket/sweatshirt for the early mornings on the playground.
The BIG NEWS is that we will be starting ROTATION next Wednesday. The children are anxious for this . All fourth graders have been mixed and matched into five groups. They will "rotate" through each fourth grade teacher for five weeks on Wednesdays for a seventy - five minute block of time. They will be taught three science units (energy, force and motion, and science inquiry) and two social studies units ( economics and government). Your child will bring home a letter of introduction at the start of each Rotation outlining what the area of study entails. There will be assignments connected to the program. We teachers find this activity to be very beneficial to the students. It does prepare them for MVMS through the movement of classrooms, being held accountable to more than one teacher, and meeting students that they have never been in a classroom with at Maple Avenue. It is also a nice change for the kids in the middle of the week.
My weekly newsletter will be sent home tomorrow. Until next time...

Monday, October 10, 2011

October 10, 2011


This past week the children participated in NECAP testing. We did three reading tests. All went very well. The children utilized their strategies, took their time, and were very engaged. I was most pleased as I observed them work. We will do two math tests this week and finish up next Monday.
This week we will begin our actual switching for Enrichment Block. The children will be ability grouped and travel to another teacher for the 2:30 - 3:00 time frame. Our team is comprised of Mrs. Packard, Ms. Spinelli, Mrs. Chisholm, and myself. We will normally rotate teachers every six weeks with the start of a new Reading Street unit. This time around we will be working with our groups for nine weeks. Once again I would like to stress the importance of this area of the curriculum and ask your help with early dismissals. We do work right up to the bell at 3:00 PM.

Until next time...

Sunday, October 2, 2011

October 2, 2011

Greetings to all,

It is hard to believe that September is over as well as the Red Sox!!!!!!! Time sure does fly when having fun.
We had a great visit to the Mount Kearsarge Native American Museum in Warner, NH last Monday. This first field trip "kicks off" our year long study of New Hampshire. The children came away with a wealth of information about the first immigrants to dwell on this land. We saw some fabulous artifacts dating way back in history. The students were amazed to find out just how resourceful these people were and all that they passed on to us.
It was great seeing many of you at the PFT ice cream social.
NECAP testing starts this week. Early to bed and a good breakfast will benefit your child.
My weekly newsletter went home on Friday, Sept. 30.