Sunday, November 6, 2011

November 6, 2011

Greetings to all,

Parents, my newsletter on Friday, Nov. 4, addressed the importance of reviewing basic multiplication facts. We are at this stage in math and just a few short weeks down the road we will be applying these facts to more challenging math problems. The children all have their math triangle facts cut out and stored in a plastic baggie for drill. Your help would be greatly appreciated in following the study of these facts through.
Our music teacher, Mr. Landano, has been working very hard with the children for their upcoming Winter Concert on Dec. 20. He is asking the children to work on learning the lyrics to the songs at home. The children know that the music is available on his web site. There will be more information coming regarding the concert as we get closer to it.
I mentioned also in my recent newsletter that Parent/Teacher conferences are set for December 9. Stay tuned for more info.

Until next time...